90 Minutes Session

Complete Ayurvedic Health Check

This is a Specialised Consultation by an experienced and Certified Ayurvedic Doctor.

It is an interactive session where our specialist listens in-depth to your health concerns and asks you many health-related questions to understand the root cause of your health issues.  A detailed and personalised holistic treatment plan is created based on the diagnosis and findings in this session.(You are encouraged to bring your x-rays and other medical and blood reports)

Highlights of this session include the following check-ups :


Make Your Appointment

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It’s been 4 weeks since you treated me and I'm indeed observing material benefits. I feel less tiresome, have a cleaner mind, and generate substantially less mucus, and no longer snore. However, still experiencing overweight tendencies and irresistible peeing urges.


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An amazing place to recover energy, health, will of living in peace and happiness. Real, deep treatments which take into account any of your minor or serious health and emotional problems. The best way to get confidence in yourself and the ability to be happy.


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