60 Minutes Session THB 5000

Online Health Consultation

An experienced specialist of Ayurveda and  Holistic Medicine conducts this session.

It includes the following features :

  • Listening very carefully to your health and personal development concerns and goals.
  • Finding your unique “Dosha” or Energy type.
    and determining your energetic imbalance or “VIKRUTI” based on the health form that you have filled up and submitted.
  • Giving you specific professional guidance to enhance your energy and vitality by helping you re-balance to your natural rhythm.

Your Health Form

Make Your Appointment

Lea Linster

Dear Dr.Rajeev and Dr. Suchada, I owe my nicest part to you. I am the original “ME “again . Thanks to you. I am very excited to be back again and I probably will bring my best friend with me. I am so grateful that you gave me back the creative side of my brain, Read more

Lea Linster Luxembourgian Chef, Gold Medalist 1989

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Alexa Arielle Berman

A beautiful , relaxing space. Everyone was very kind and professional. I am very grateful to have found this center. Thank you !

Alexa Arielle Berman

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