Dominique Coquelle

Dominique Coquelle
Bakery Chef, Chiang Mai
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I am 66 years old, I live in Chiang Mai for 19 years and I had a heart attack 3 years ago, after which I was placed two stems.


High cholesterol, high blood pressure, constipation, joints pain and poor sleep, fatigue.

Since then I have been prescribed:

A statin lowers my cholesterol, which is harmful to the liver.

Candesartan to lower my blood pressure, which ruins my kidneys.

Brilinta is an anticoagulant and aspirin is a blood thinner, which badly affects my stomach.

As a result, the gastroenterologist diagnosed me with gastritis and oesophagitis with gastro-oesophageal reflux and therefore gives me Omeprazole to reduce gastric acidity, which makes my bones weaker.

So I find myself at this moment in a hellish cycle that destroys me slowly, and I realize that it is time to try something else.

I started when I was 19 years old, doing three years of medical studies in Paris and then I went to do medical humanitarian work in India for the three months of university holidays.

I came back 4 years later!

I had the opportunity there to meet a “doctor” practicing Ayurveda, which I saw doing practically miracles, like heal me permanently from my malaria in two medicine balls, prepared in the evening and taken the next day morning after the mixture is turned into a paste (mold?), stop in 30 minutes reported tetanus of an English girl who made an abscess tucked behind the bone of the rock following the infection of a piercing at the ear. The infection was eradicated in three days of treatment, and several other cases were almost as severe.

All this, of course, without him touching us the month of the world.

The aim of this medical approach is to strengthen the immune responses of the individual so that he is again able to fight the disease, and not, as allopathic medicine does, to suppress the symptoms by a chemical action upstream, without taking into account the general equilibrium thus disturbed.

Ayurvedic medicine is not only interested in the immune system but thinks that the human being is a whole where the body and mind are interdependent and that many physical problems have a psychological or emotional origin and vice versa.

The approach is therefore an awareness that it is often difficult to achieve alone especially without the knowledge necessary to achieve it.

So I decided to meet Dr. Rajeev.

I found in him someone who has the mastery of this knowledge, making it able to make an inventory of the strengths and weaknesses of each, because it is obvious that we are all different and that any Ayurvedic treatment is unique for each of us.

Energy balance, diagnosis, dialogue, massage with effective essential oils (made on site), direct action by pressure on the various chakras, balanced lunches are taken together, and other more specific techniques, more detox with juices easy to drink between 5 pm and 9 am the next day was offered to me.

Result 8 days after the 15 sessions that represent the treatment practiced:

Constipation problems significantly improved.

By the Detox, I eliminated about fifty small stones stored in my gall bladder that was in sight of advanced calcification, freeing my liver from a brake to its proper functioning.

Fewer problems with reflux and gastric acidity, although I stopped taking Omeprazole after only three days of treatment

A clear improvement in my energy and a clear decrease in my stress and anxiety.

Better sleep

An almost equal cholesterol level, without a statin to the one I had with it.

In a word, I feel rejuvenated by ten years, having recovered hope, thanks to this renewed energy and this greater serenity.

I did not stop the candesartan to lower my tension because it is still high, but it seems that it is likely to do in the near future estimated at a month or two.

In any case, I feel much better and I feel that the energy found will allow me to fight the rest of these health problems.

I should have done this step years ago before the problems appeared.

I wrote this paper today, August 5, 2019, in testimony and to help those who are unfamiliar with this Ayurvedic approach to better understand and encourage them to trust it.

Ayurvedic medicine, just like acupuncture, is extremely effective provided that it is practiced by men of knowledge, which is the result of long studies and great experience, and these are rare.

I think I’m very lucky to have found Dr. Rajeev practicing here in Chiang Mai.