Dr. Zeljko Milovanovic MD – San Francisco, California

Dr. Zeljko Milovanovic
MD – San Francisco, California

I will never forget when Dr. Rajeev stated at our first intake appointment – “We will try to make this the best week of your life” – well the 1 week treatment at the Ayu Center sure lived up to its promise; I came with the main expectation to improve my physical well being; little did I know that in 1 week I would leave as a completely rejuvenated and reconnected person on all levels of being; it is over 1 year now and I still feel the benefits from my healing that occurred during that time. I was truly impressed how Dr. Rajeev and Dr. Suchada are able to gently open the door to self healing; on top of that their ancillary staff is extremely proficient in the traditional methods. Being an integrative health professional myself I learned a lot about the ever evolving Ayurvedic medicine and certainly enjoyed AYU Center’s highest standards. I am really looking forward to coming back! Thank you Rajeev and Suchada.