60 Minutes Session THB 5000

Online Health Consultation

An experienced specialist of Ayurveda and  Holistic Medicine conducts this session.

It includes the following features :

  • Listening very carefully to your health and personal development concerns and goals.
  • Finding your unique “Dosha” or Energy type.
    and determining your energetic imbalance or “VIKRUTI” based on the health form that you have filled up and submitted.
  • Giving you specific professional guidance to enhance your energy and vitality by helping you re-balance to your natural rhythm.

Your Health Form

Make Your Appointment

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C’était une expérience enrichissante. La douleur qu’on éprouve parfois est nécessaire. C’est une bonne douleur mais quel résultat final! Merci Docteur Rajeev. It is a must to do this a lifetime experience!!

Michel Perotti

Zita Moran

Dr. Rajeev and Suchada have transformed me!!! I’m so thankful to them, Nenita, Pim, and all the other wonderful staff at the AYU Center for bringing me back to peak health. Thank you!

Zita Moran

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