60 Minutes Session THB 5000

Online Health Consultation

An experienced specialist of Ayurveda and  Holistic Medicine conducts this session.

It includes the following features :

  • Listening very carefully to your health and personal development concerns and goals.
  • Finding your unique “Dosha” or Energy type.
    and determining your energetic imbalance or “VIKRUTI” based on the health form that you have filled up and submitted.
  • Giving you specific professional guidance to enhance your energy and vitality by helping you re-balance to your natural rhythm.

Your Health Form

Make Your Appointment

Lauren Boiros

I’ve really enjoyed my treatments & new discoveries during my healing journey. This experience has connected me more deeply to Ayurvedic medicine, & for that, I am grateful with gratitude.

Lauren Boiros

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I am very surprised to see that the cysts in my breast are smaller and some are gone after the treatment! Everybody here is so kind and helpful. We are very impressed with the treatment. Thank you very much for the heart-warming treatment of Dr. Rajeev and all the staff.

Patcharee Lertkumpesil

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