Our Unparalleled Professional Treatments



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Energy balance is an ancient healing system. Our body’s surface has energy points and corresponding energy lines or meridians. These 14 significant lines contain a colourless, free-flowing, non-cellular fluid that conveys electrical energy throughout the body. Modern science has mapped these circuits through advanced technology to track them thermally, electronically and radioactively. Our body carries both positive and negative electromagnetic circuits, also called body polarity. Energy balancing is done by tracing the body’s meridians in their natural direction or backwards, depending on whether that meridian needs to be stimulated or sedated to readjust to its state of natural balance. The pulse point balancing technique realigns significant energy centres in the body. Each energy centre has vital pulse points that work in rhythmic unison. The specialist works on these points to bring them in balance.


  • Emotional balance

  • Improved breathing

  • Rebalancing

  • Improves Flexibility


  • Energy balancing is done by tracing the body’s meridians in their natural direction or backwards, depending on whether that meridian needs to be stimulated or sedated to readjust to its state of natural balance. The pulse point balancing technique realigns significant energy centres in the body.

    Each energy centre has vital pulse points that work in rhythmic unison. The specialist works on these points to bring them in balance.

    At AYU Center, the Energy Balance Session is combined with a Marma Basti therapy session for the best results.


  • Complete Health Check Session

Sharon Hart, Co-Founder of Coherent Coaching Institute

I came to Chiang Mai with my entire family, for all of us to do the Ayurveda treatment program with Dr. Rajeev in November of 2013.  My energy and vitality were so low that I had to fly to three separate cities from the U.S. because I could not make the 20 hour direct flight Read more

Sharon Hart Co-Founder of Coherent Coaching Institute

Dr. Zeljko Milovanovic MD – San Francisco, California

I will never forget when Dr. Rajeev stated at our first intake appointment – “We will try to make this the best week of your life” – well the 1 week treatment at the Ayu Center sure lived up to its promise; I came with the main expectation to improve my physical well being; little Read more

Dr. Zeljko Milovanovic MD – San Francisco, California

Frank Chura, Retired Executive, U.S. Airforce, NATO

I came to Rajeev and Suchada Marwah’s Ayurvedic Treatment Center for my initial evaluation more than two years ago, sort of a last resort.  I had been treated by western practitioners at various clinics for 30+ years for eight registered disabilities, including joint replacements, diabetes, arthritis, lumbar degeneration, and more.  I was using a walker Read more

Frank Chura Retired Executive, U.S. Airforce, NATO

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