What is Anemia?

In Ayurveda, anaemia is called ‘pallor disease’. Blood is deficient in quantity or quality. Anaemia is usually caused by bile entering into and thinning the blood.

Why does it occur?

The causes of anaemia are mainly the wrong diet – eating excessive pungent, sour and salty food. It may also occur due to liver disorders, which impair the liver’s ability to build up blood.

What can it lead to?

Depending on your unique Dosha” or body-mind type. You may experience some of the following symptoms:


Dry skin with darkish tinge, anxiety, tremors, insomnia, constipation and possible dehydration.


Burning sensation, fever and thirst, yellowish skin texture.


Excess mucus blocking proper digestion and thinning the blood, giving a pale skin colour. Urine is noticeably white, excess phlegm and salivation, oedema or water retention, often overweight, excess sleeping and heaviness of the limbs.

Beneficial Food for Treating Anemia

  • Red meat, bone soups, dairy products, mung beans, almonds and black sesame seeds.
  • Juice of pomegranate or black grapes.
  • Jaggery and molasses are beneficial.

 Our experience in treating patients with anaemia

Several patients tell us that they are currently experiencing insomnia, indigestion, low immunity, and weight gain, among others. Some of them were on medication for it; others had tried various treatments to cure these health conditions. Few of them knew that they were anaemic for a long time. They also never realised that this could be the core issue leading to all the symptoms mentioned above. The most common understanding is that you lose weight and feel tired when anaemic. However, it is not that simple. Here are some case studies.
We have treated patients for RLS (restless leg syndrome). These patients also had insomnia, fatigue, drowsiness and cramps. On closer examination, we could see that they had been anaemic for over 10 years and never really thought about treating it.
Iron deficiency in the body, one of the important causes for anaemia, can be caused by stomach inflammation due to bacterial infection and mal-absorption by the small intestine. Physically this may show up as IBS or irritable bowel syndrome.
A less obvious cause of anaemia that one may overlook would be an excessive sexual indulgence which can deplete and weaken bodily fluids; Symptoms would be allergies, skin issues and grogginess even after a restful night. Health supplements and energy booster shakes can give only temporary relief. 
Oxidative stress caused by a hectic lifestyle is also an important trigger for aggravating anaemia.
So here comes the important question: how does one treat anaemia, or more important, by treating anaemia, does all the aforementioned conditions also disappear? 
We believe that once the core issue of a health disorder is identified, you can take healing measures to bring the body back in equilibrium. There are no quick fixes, but with a total treatment plan inclusive of professional treatments, nutrition, and lifestyle, you can see a lasting cure. 
In case of anaemia, our professional treatments would focus on strengthening the liver and spleen. We would work on the following, keeping in mind each person’s uniqueness and reflecting that in every aspect of our healing program. :
  • Strengthening various muscle groups like quadriceps and hamstring, among others.
  • Re-balancing the stomach, spleen, urinary bladder, liver, gall bladder and kidney meridians. 
  • Increasing blood circulation in the knee, legs and pelvic region
  • Eliminating toxic salts naturally
  • Counselling sessions
  • Breathing exercises
  • Light and sound exercises
“We have helped several anaemic clients using this regimen. We look forward to helping many more achieve robust health.”
———Drs. Rajeev and Suchada Marwah

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